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Integrated with100+ Apps.

Manage leads, customers, offers, invoicing, payments in one single place with features

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NIZU Projects Icon

Control your outsource and in-house staff, tasks, with time tracking per task per person, and per project

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NIZU AppStore
+45 other Apps

We have an internal 100% Free App Market ready to activate and use

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NIZU Apps Market
NIZU Dashbaord ERP

Limitless users, clients, leads, consultants, and operations

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Client Support


Maximize productivity with one central workspace that connects your inbox, ticketing system, and help center.

NIZU support tickets summary
Time tracking

Task & Staff

Track your team's hours, generate accurate timesheets and get instant reports. Fully integrated with project management and billing.

NIZU Track your team's hours, generate accurate timesheets and get instant reports. Fully integrated with project management and billing.
NIZU Time tracking
NIZU Time tracking
Data dashboard

Easy to manage your all app data.

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What customers are saying

Leonel mooney
World traveler

Anthony Bourdain was an icon who different cultures and parts of the world through the food that humanity.

20 Jan
Den viliamson
World traveler

Anthony Bourdain was an icon who different cultures and parts of the world through the food that humanity.

10 Jan
Herman miller
World traveler

Anthony Bourdain was an icon who different cultures and parts of the world through the food that humanity.

01 Jan
Matthew taylor
World traveler

Anthony Bourdain was an icon who different cultures and parts of the world through the food that humanity.

10 Dec
Den viliamson
World traveler

Anthony Bourdain was an icon who different cultures and parts of the world through the food that humanity.

10 Jan
Herman miller
World traveler

Anthony Bourdain was an icon who different cultures and parts of the world through the food that humanity.

01 Jan
Affordable pricing

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The most primary plan
  • Find places near hotels and camp
  • Track record and reward programs
  • Shows transportation option
Join this planOffer save 20%*
The most popular plan
  • Find places near hotels and camp
  • Track record and reward programs
  • Shows transportation option
Join this planOffer save 30%*
The most premium plan
  • Find places near hotels and camp
  • Track record and reward programs
  • Shows transportation option
Join this planOffer save 35%*
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